Notes: #10

I've have finally pushed a new update to my website. Moving away from Craft CMS, this site is now powered by 11ty.

I'm still a big fan of Craft, but I was putting off doing updates to my site as it involved setting up a local database. This is now a git clone, npm install, commit and git push. Pushing will auto deploy to Netlify, so there is no server access required - just Gitlab access.

Other notes:

  • We're still recording our On The Side podcast takeover
  • My website now scores top marks on Lighthouse
  • Had a play around with Cloudflare pages. Looks like an awesome Netlify alternative and, once they are more production ready I will be looking to move my Netlify sites across (I have nothing against Netlify, just the less platforms I'm having to manage, the better)
  • As I wrote this I optimised this site further - it's great to have such granular control over the assets & content (I'm sure I'll get fed up with the git workflow when I want to just fix a typo...)

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