Points Brighton - The Aftermath
By Mike Street
Last night was the second of my mini-conferences, Points Brighton. It featured speakers and keynotes of all different varieties, and the infamous Points Bazaar (the raffle) was, once more, a hit. If you want to see how good it looked, the photos can be found on flickr.
As it was my event, I'm not really in a position to give an impartial view about it (despite it being a huge success and amazingly brilliant). So instead, i'll leave it to others to review:
- Good Developer Conferences by Amber Weinberg
- Points Mean Pixels by Adam Onishi
- Points Brighton - Points mean Pixels by Anthony Killeen
If you have a blog post of your own - let me know!
All that is left is the thanks yous and the credits - so bear with me.
Firstly, the reason everyone was there. The speakers. The presentations were fantastic, diverse and informative. Perfect really!
- Amber Weinberg
stepped up first talking about 'Mobile Development' (she kindly stepped in for the afflicted Paul Mist
- Next was James Seymour-Lock
discussing 'How To Achieve Your Clients Goals Through Effective Design' (Slides)
- After, Krystian Szastok, stepped up to the plate to show off his knowledge on 'The Principle Of Factor Sparsity And Seo' (Slides)
- and finally finishing off the evening was David Pomfret
who told us all about 'Making Type Right' (Slides)
They all did brilliantly and based on the tweets, were all well recieved.
The amount of generous people out there is phenomenal and there was no exception when it came to Points. We had books and t-shirts from No Starch Press, books from A Book Apart, t-shirts from Belong, several copies of Introducing HTML5 by Remy Sharp and Bruce Lawson, a book on mobile development from Tipsy & Tumbler and books and t-shirts from 5 Simple Steps.
We also had some beautiful postcards designed and printed by Hatched and T/OD. The alcohol and drinks were provided by Bozboz and the venue kindly donated by The Skiff.
Massive thanks to anyone who sponsored the event.
People Who Made It Happen
As with any event, there are always the unsung heroes. The people who really make the event happen and help ease the pressure.
- Toby Howarth - who designed the beautiful site.
- Adam Onishi - who made Toby's dreams a reality
- Clive Walker - who helped set up and lock up
- The clickers - who clicked for our wonderful presenters
- The attendees. Without whom, I could not have raised over £300 for Tia's Trees. Thank you.
Keep an eye out for the next one!