
All my blog posts & notes, chronologically ordered from now back in time.

  1. 2024 (11)


      1. 12th A summary of TYPO3 Developer Days 2024
      2. 3rd TYPO3 Developer Days 2024: Day 3 - 3rd August 2024
      3. 2nd TYPO3 Developer Days 2024: Day 2 - 2nd August 2024
      4. 1st TYPO3 Developer Days 2024: Day 1 - 1st August 2024


      1. 8th Run unit tests in Playwright


      1. 28th How to install only NPM dev dependencies
      2. 27th Scanning your code with Bearer; a Gitlab compatible SAST
      3. 19th Validate a JSON API with Playwright & JSON Schema


      1. 12th Testing the frontend of a TYPO3 project
      2. 9th Tweetback
      3. 4th Composer Best Practices for TYPO3

  2. 2023 (27)


      1. 31st 2023 In Review
      2. 14th Frameworks, Tools and Utility meta-packages for quicker configuration


      1. 29th Accessing iframe content and JavaScript variables from Puppeteer
      2. 23rd Login with Puppeteer and re-use cookies for another window


      1. 3rd Get your Pocket Casts data using the unofficial API and PHP
      2. 1st A release process for our NPM and Composer packages


      1. 7th Building and Pushing Docker images using Github Actions


      1. 10th PHP Ternary and null coalescing operators
      2. 6th Build different images with multi-stage Docker builds
      3. 3rd Install private composer packages with CI and Deployer


      1. 16th Open Door Meetings - How I can bother my colleagues without interrupting them
      2. 12th Docker image with Node, PHP and Composer


      1. 13th The UPCOMING.md file in our packages and extensions
      2. 9th NPM Install without modifying the package-lock.json
      3. 6th The End of the Social Network School Year


      1. 24th Post to Slack from Gitlab CI
      2. 16th Setting up Gitlab Advanced search
      3. 11th Migrating Gitlab packages from object store to local
      4. 5th Find a troublesome commit with Git Bisect
      5. 1st Deploying a Docker image to a remote private registry with Gitlab CI


      1. 22nd Reset a git repository back to origin
      2. 19th Writing more evergreen blog post topics is hard
      3. 16th Take your 11ty build from 1 second to 2 minutes by generating OG images
      4. 7th Server tools - htop and apache server status


      1. 17th Why I miss the limitations of CD players
      2. 14th Adding Tina CMS to 11ty
      3. 5th Be Code Agnostic

  3. 2022 (18)


      1. 31st 2022 In Review
      2. 10th Turn any page into a JSON API with Cloudflare Workers


      1. 19th How to delete a Git branch
      2. 17th Use MinIO to cache Gitlab assets and leverage distributed runner caching
      3. 11th Build and push a Docker image to a private registry with Gitlab CI


      1. 20th Creating Backend Layouts with TYPO3 CMS to build better looking pages for Liquid Light


      1. 25th Return a Zip file in Node with a Netlify function
      2. 22nd Merge request conventions for less cognitive load


      1. 27th Programmatically Commit to Gitlab via Node.js
      2. 16th Love Film & Cinema


      1. 29th Add Netlify CMS to an existing 11ty site
      2. 22nd Version constraints in JSON files


      1. 10th Upgrading 11ty from 0.12 to 1.0
      2. 8th How I improved the speed of Docker builds in Gitlab CI


      1. 30th Creating a Docusaurus docker image for consistent rendering of your documentation
      2. 20th New Apple computer set up
      3. 13th Add custom repositories for composer to pull from


      1. 11th Creating a multi-stage Docker build to make your images smaller

  4. 2021 (28)


      1. 31st 2021 In Review
      2. 11th Using a private Docker registry with Gitlab CI


      1. 21st Use env files and variables to keep sensitive information out of your TYPO3 project for Liquid Light


      1. 15th Build and release Composer packages using a self-hosted Gitlab


      1. 23rd Upload an image to Cloudinary using the Node SDK
      2. 9th Quickly clone a git repository without the history


      1. 26th Making an 11ty collection from a remote XML file
      2. 12th Create an 11ty collection from any RSS feed


      1. 28th Creating an 11ty collection from a JSON API
      2. 28th Incremental updates don't win awards for Liquid Light
      3. 21st The cleanest way of handling user authentication with Nuxt.js


      1. 31st Building Ale House Rock with 11ty
      2. 17th Accessing 11ty filters within data files to keep your code DRY
      3. 3rd Using a few lines of PHP to programmatically upload an image to Cloudinary


      1. 19th Get your Eleventy Site into the real world using a hosting provider like Netlify or Git pages
      2. 15th 11ty Utils - an NPM Package
      3. 15th Using the TYPO3 redirects module to ensure your visitors don't end up at a dead-end for Liquid Light
      4. 12th Build an 11ty calendar to list all your posts
      5. 6th My 2021 writing schedule
      6. 5th Using Cloudflare workers to publish your scheduled 11ty posts
      7. 2nd Side Project Imposter Syndrome


      1. 22nd Automatically deploying your Lumen App with PHP Deployer (and zero downtime) so you don't have to manually do it
      2. 8th How to migrate your Gitlab instance to a new server


      1. 22nd Socket RSS - The Gleefreshing answer to your Doomscrolling habits
      2. 15th Compiling your front-end assets with Laravel Mix while your 11ty site builds, so you don't have to switch between processes
      3. 1st How to set up and use Laravel Mix with your project


      1. 18th Setting up a custom domain with Netlify with Cloudflare SSL
      2. 14th Making sure you're not doing everything at work

  5. 2020 (15)


      1. 31st 2020 In Review


      1. 20th What is a server? for Liquid Light


      1. 7th Converting Behind the Source to 11ty
      2. 5th Setting up Homebrew, NPM and Eleventy on a fresh mac


      1. 15th Composer - creating a private package to include your own PHP class


      1. 22nd Getting a Slack helper running with Netlify: Part 2
      2. 20th Getting a Slack helper running with Netlify: Part 1
      3. 5th Useful command line MySQL commands


      1. 28th The Git Commit Hash


      1. 20th Why should you consider Cloudflare for your website? for Liquid Light
      2. 19th What are the different SSL modes on Cloudflare?
      3. 16th Setting up Tiny Tiny RSS to collate feeds
      4. 15th Mikestreety's New Clothes


      1. 5th Using Cloudflare Workers to set a cookie based on a GET parameter or path


      1. 26th What are Cloud Functions, Cloudflare Workers and Serverless?

  6. 2019 (12)


      1. 31st 2019 In Review
      2. 10th How do you deal with designers who design without any thought? for Liquid Light


      1. 11th How to become device agnostic and what it means for your data for Liquid Light


      1. 22nd email.subscribeto - a newsletter database


      1. 31st The Real World of Web Development


      1. 20th Getting started with Xen - setting up virtual machines
      2. 20th Linux Debian user commands


      1. 3rd Build your own "share this" component


      1. 20th How to use fetch in JavaScript to GET or POST data


      1. 28th Using a post-merge git hook to clean up old branches for Liquid Light


      1. 14th Developing websites locally with Docker
      2. 4th Newsletters for Front-end Developers - 2019 edition

  7. 2018 (10)


      1. 31st 2018 in review


      1. 17th Xbox One vs PlayStation 4


      1. 18th Music obsessions
      2. 18th Using Vue.js with a Lumen powered API for Liquid Light


      1. 13th Uses
      2. 7th How to filter an array of objects based on a secondary array in JavaScript


      1. 16th Mike builds a bike


      1. 19th Why we're not dropping Slack for Google Hangouts Chat...yet. for Liquid Light
      2. 12th Backup Gitlab data locally
      3. 8th How I wrote a book; the writing process from one of our Developers for Liquid Light

  8. 2017 (24)


      1. 31st 2017 in review
      2. 18th Introduction to Vuex Part 2 - implementation (video)
      3. 18th Introduction to Vuex Part 1 - managing state, storage and sharing data between components


      1. 8th Filters in Vue.js: What are they, how do you use them, and how do you make them? (video)


      1. 26th Vue.js: Using dynamic and static attributes and props with components and HTML elements (video)
      2. 25th Schema - what is it and how do I use it? for Liquid Light
      3. 21st Using props for accessing URL parameters within components with Vue Router (video)
      4. 13th Vue: Using localStorage with Vuex store


      1. 18th How can I verify my Google Event Tracking is working? for Liquid Light
      2. 5th Change ownership of all folders and subfolders or files


      1. 15th Navigation drop-downs. Should they be hover or click? for Liquid Light
      2. 10th Damaged version of macOS


      1. 26th People are cyclists - a community hub
      2. 23rd Don't require password for sudo commands as non-root user
      3. 3rd SCSS Reverse direction


      1. 22nd How I kicked a millennial habit
      2. 14th The Digital Bucket List for People in the Web


      1. 19th Find folders on a linux server that do not have a file
      2. 18th Render Conf 30th March 2017 - A review for Liquid Light
      3. 15th Rarely handy Git commands
      4. 10th HTML 5 collapsable information - works in a Github/Gitlab issue
      5. 3rd Multiple transition delays


      1. 26th CSS Custom Properties - everyday applications


      1. 13th How can I score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights? for Liquid Light

  9. 2016 (19)


      1. 15th What's new in Feefo v3? for Liquid Light
      2. 12th "HD" cheap action cam - you get what you pay for


      1. 17th Find and remove vendor prefixes in your CSS using Regex
      2. 3rd Building a Vue v2 JS app using Vue-router for Liquid Light


      1. 23rd Set up a new Virtual Private Server (VPS)


      1. 2nd How we use Trello to keep track of our marketing schedule for Liquid Light


      1. 13th Using lego to build a device lab for Liquid Light


      1. 27th 12 favourite atom tips and shortcuts to improve your workflow for Sitepoint
      2. 20th CSS frameworks and why you should make one
      3. 4th Creating a custom Mailchimp template with layout variations for Liquid Light
      4. 4th Small code snippets for Alligator.io


      1. 20th Making Craft CMS work with Prism JS using pre and code blocks
      2. 11th Newsletters for Front-end developers


      1. 22nd How do I update to Gulp 4? for Liquid Light
      2. 6th Download files via command line
      3. 4th Get background image information if element has a one in jQuery


      1. 15th Raspberry Pi: what is it and why do i need one? for Liquid Light


      1. 29th My Dream: Multi-room audio with Chromecast and central music server
      2. 25th YouTube videos vs self-hosted: Which one is better for you? for Liquid Light

  10. 2015 (13)


      1. 10th Building a 3D printer - tips, hints and links
      2. 3rd Let's drop IE8 for Liquid Light


      1. 2nd Responsive Typography in SCSS for Liquid Light


      1. 11th Use a Raspberry Pi with multiple WiFi networks


      1. 25th Making a filming, photographing, auto-tweeting bot


      1. 17th Export Locko to 1Password
      2. 17th Raspberry Pi Timelapse
      3. 4th The Arduino Uno and a Mac


      1. 30th Using Slack to Improve Team Communication for Liquid Light
      2. 13th Setting Up Your Raspberry Pi for Input and Output
      3. 1st Hacking with a Raspberry Pi: An Introduction


      1. 10th Git for Beginners: An Overview and Basic Workflow for Liquid Light


      1. 12th Filtering Tables with jQuery

  11. 2014 (17)


      1. 15th HTML Newsletters - Design Considerations for Liquid Light
      2. 3rd PHP Classes - Explained


      1. 11th Creating SVG Sprites using Gulp and Sass for Liquid Light


      1. 22nd My Local Bike Shop in Brighton


      1. 7th Working with SVGs in Sprites for Liquid Light


      1. 25th Hovélo - a new Hove-based cycling group


      1. 19th 10 moments I hate about cycling
      2. 10th Remaking the Sass News Newsletter
      3. 6th Make Anchor CMS work with its files elsewhere


      1. 22nd Advanced Gulp File
      2. 13th Ignoring libraries in git
      3. 8th Bower


      1. 24th An Introduction to CSS Preprocessors
      2. 17th A basic SCSS compilation gulpfile.js


      1. 23rd Sass Rule Layout
      2. 18th Be a Better Road User
      3. 4th From Less to Sass

  12. 2013 (11)


      1. 23rd A placeholder mixin - for Less and Scss
      2. 19th Compiling Less on the Command Line
      3. 19th Git tab autocomplete


      1. 29th Trailwalker 2013


      1. 3rd My Media Centre Solution


      1. 22nd Forget-me-not
      2. 18th Wordpress - Pulling An Archive
      3. 13th Points


      1. 21st A world without the web
      2. 15th Starting Afresh, Starting Anew


      1. 3rd Setting up a local development server for 12 Devs of Christmas

  13. 2012 (18)


      1. 11th Sass - Hidden Gems


      1. 29th Start Your Own Event for .net magazine


      1. 19th I hate road cycling
      2. 11th Future of Web Design - May 2012 - Day 1


      1. 30th ratio - a mikestreety app
      2. 23rd Domains - Pitfalls and Propagation


      1. 18th #PHPFED - Variables
      2. 16th I bloody love twitter
      3. 10th #PHPFED - Includes
      4. 9th Points Brighton - The Aftermath
      5. 6th PHP for Front-End Devs; The Story
      6. 5th Github for PC and setting up a local testing environment


      1. 29th Points mean Pixels
      2. 26th Dahon Vitesse Speed D7
      3. 16th My Favourite 5 Books - A smashing story
      4. 7th HTML5 - Explained. Briefly
      5. 4th The Commute: The Rant


      1. 24th It's My Way or the Highway. Not.

  14. 2011 (7)


      1. 19th Chilly's Dip


      1. 16th Public Relations
      2. 10th Limit Items (e.g. News posts)


      1. 21st Redirect to one central domain - htaccess
      2. 16th Get an 'Even' Class
      3. 14th Giving something a 'Last' Class
      4. 4th Using PHP to get the dimensions of an image

  15. 2010 (7)


      1. 17th Creating a HTML Email


      1. 5th Designing for Mobile


      1. 25th Wiitar: Combining the Wiimote, MAX/MSP and Mainstage
      2. 2nd The next step...


      1. 22nd Twitter; Twettle
      2. 21st Twitter; Twintergration
      3. 20th Covers and Remixes

  16. 2009 (4)


      1. 29th Geeks
      2. 28th To Know or Not To Know
      3. 27th Thoughts...
      4. 25th CSS - The basics