Frameworks, Tools and Utility meta-packages for quicker configuration

There are a lot of fantastic tools, frameworks and utilities out there for helping with development in various ways. We are so lucky to be living in a world where people make amazing stuff and then just, Open Source it.

The one thing I often struggle with is configuration of them all. We maintain a lot of sites and try to keep them in sync with conventions and having to repeat the config for each site is sometimes tedious - especially if we want to tweak a setting.

With our sites created in similar ways, we tend to configure a tool and then roll it out to all the other sites. We rarely have a need to change anything between installs but, when we do, we tend to do it on all.

I've got into the habit of making meta packages - small repos which contain the dependencies and initial config that we've settled on. We can then quickly roll it out (and update) without having to tediously find and replace across a range of git repos.

This blog post is a quick overview of meta-packages I've created for this exact purpose.

Docusaurus - for generating documentation

npm i @liquidlight/docusaurus-framework --save

This package allows for a lightweight Docusaurus site to be set up in an existing repo (e.g. in a docs folder). It requires a small docusaurus.config.js and a minimal package.json which then generates a nice-looking, clean documentation site with some sensible defaults.

module.exports = require('@liquidlight/docusaurus-framework/docusaurus.config')({
	title: 'Liquid Light',

The framework can be configured further and includes mermaid charting library, basic CSS, favicon and image overrides. It also includes defaults for a blog should you want that enabled too.

View docusaurus-framework on GitHub.

BackstopJS - for visual regression testing

npm i @liquidlight/backstopjs-framework -D --save

This framework reduces the config needed to get started with BackstopJS and introduces a hierarchy for URLs, allowing you to specify a base domain and add several pages to that site. It allows passing of options and parameters to domains instead of every page tested on the site.

Create a backstop.config.js to begin your visual regression tests.

module.exports = require('@liquidlight/backstopjs-framework')([
		envs: {
			test: {
				domain: '',
		paths: [
				label: 'Homepage',
				path: '/',

Along with masking a lot of the complexity, the framework offers the ability to configure backstop directly should a specific option be required.

View backstopjs-framework on GitHub.

Playwright framework - for centralised testing

npm i @liquidlight/playwright-framework -D --save

This provides an opinionated meta-framework for Playwright. It allows for quick setup of testing on multiple devices for each test. Playwright will only allow one device per Project, so this loops through Sites (a new concept) and creates a Playwright Project for each site & device.

For TYPO3 users, there is an included function which will parse your `config.yaml`` and create the projects for you.

import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';

module.exports = defineConfig(require('@liquidlight/playwright-framework')(
		label: 'Site name',
		envs: {
			local: '',
		project: {
			testDir: './tests/'

View playwright-framework on GitHub.

View this post on Github

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Mike Street

Written by Mike Street

Mike is a CTO and Lead Developer from Brighton, UK. He spends his time writing, cycling and coding. You can find Mike on Mastodon.