25th September 2022
Return a Zip file in Node with a Netlify function
Use a Netlify function to return a Zip file using jszip
Showing posts from the category "Javascript"
25th September 2022
Use a Netlify function to return a Zip file using jszip
26th July 2021
RSS is XML with a specification, however not all RSS feeds follow the spec. In this post, we process the feed as an XML document meaning we can access the extra attributes and values
12th July 2021
Using 11ty global data files, we create an 11ty collection from an RSS feed. As an example, we show the latest YouTube videos on our website
17th May 2021
11ty filters can exist as JS functions inside the declared filters directory - these can be accessed by other files not processed by 11ty
15th April 2021
I published an NPN package the other day which contains some everyday 11ty utils
12th April 2021
List all of your posts (or other collection items) in a calendar/diary format to give a timeline of your past
5th April 2021
Learn how to schedule blog posts and other items to go live with your static site generator without having to rebuild the whole site. Get all the benefits of a dynamic CSS with static files
22nd July 2020
Part 2 of the Slack status updater with Netlify. This walks through using dotenv and locking the function down to "local" use. There is also a crude UI that has been made
20th July 2020
So I'm a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to web stacks - I'm all about LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). I had an idea for a small little web app and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to give Netlify a go.
3rd May 2019
Using a Share This plugin (or similar) or the native sharing widgets from social networks can really bloat your page and look ugly. This code is how we, at Liquid Light, implement social sharing widgets
20th April 2019
Fetch is a fantastic JavaScript function which allows you to natively get and post data from the browser. This post includes some examples of how to use it.
7th August 2018
Sounds confusing, but there is a use-case, honest! Imagine you have an array with a set number of items in and you wanted to filter another array of objects based on that in your JavaScript. The post explains more!
8th November 2017
There are many ways to manipulate a value to make it user-friendly using Vue.js. In this tutorial, I show you how you can use Vue filters to alter the appearance of a variable without affecting its data.
21st October 2017
This quick video walkthrough shows how you can replace any URL parameters in your components with props and how to pass them through from vue router to access them within your component
13th October 2017
Using the browser's localStorage we can create a Vue app which has its Vuex store cached. This allows the user to navigate away from the app and not lose their preferences.
3rd November 2016
Written For Liquid Light
Vue JS is a javascript framework which has recently released version 2. Allowing you to display, manipulate and navigate data, Vue is a React, Knockout and Angular competitor. This blog post walks through building a web app with Vue Router.
20th April 2016
You may (or may not) have noticed that my site had a massive overhaul. With that overhaul, I changed CMS from Anchor to Craft.
4th March 2016
Recently I need to loop through elements on a page and, if the element had a background image apply a jQuery plugin. The plugin required the background image path & dimensions to function
12th February 2015
I was recently asked by a friend how you would make a table filterable by using a select box & jQuery - for example "show me films made just in 2014.